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november 2021 Edition

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To God Be The Glory


As we approach the anniversary month of August, I have been reflecting on the many transitions that I have had to lead the church through. Over the many years, we have changed locations, office staff, musical staff, leaders, and not to mention the many building renovations that we have gone through. I certainly thank God because it has been an exciting adventure serving the Lord through serving people. One of the most impactful changes that have come in my life is going from the very close and personal ministry that I had in the early years to teaching and preaching to the people through a camera lens. I can truly say that I miss the personal interaction and the expressions on the people's faces when they are blessed. Yet, one of the benefits of the internet platform is that I am able to stay focused on my assignment of communicating a specific message. 

With all that said, my one concern is whether or not the people are staying connected. Apart of me want to take attendance as a grade school teacher, so I can be more accountable to the Lord for those He has given me to lead. Another part of me believes that I pastor mature and responsible believers who are diligent and committed to getting the word and are faithful to God on their spiritual journey. 

In conclusion, I want to appreciate those individuals who are doing just that. I want to encourage all of our members to subscribe and follow us on social media and to like and share the posts regularly to reach out to your brothers and sisters to encourage them along the way.


Bishop Eric K. Clark



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Thine Is The Kingdom, And The Power, And The Glory

Sermon Date: June 27, 2021

Scripture: Matthew 6:9-13

The Lord’s Prayer

Our Father, which art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done
On earth, as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our debts,
as we forgive our debtors those who trespass against us,
and lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom and the power, and the glory,
Forever and ever.


With the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus gave us a pattern for prayer. He was teaching his disciples how to pray. We can use this prayer to approach God in prayer.

In praying, let us remember the end “Thine is the kingdom and the power, and the glory” in remembering this prayer, we must repeat it! In doing so, our life is opened towards God, and filled with power, shine with glory. Lord, we only trust You! Give God all the Glory!

We must Pray!

*Do not pray to be seen

*Go into your private space

*Do not use vain repetition

Deaconess Karen Alexander

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Grace Grace - To God Be The Glory (pt 4)

Sermon Date: June 23, 2021

Scripture: Zechariah 4:6-9


What do I know about Grace, Grace : Testimony time "Grandson ran away from police with a loaded gun and didn't get shot" Grace - Grace. Yes God will do your part and his part. He gets all the glory. Hallelujah


Yes !! Grace Grace - We are not going to just start it but we are going to finish strong this year BOCA. We will accomplish it. To God be the glory. No man can get the credit.  Continue to dream and soar high because we have GRACE GRACE.

Deaconess Karima Ward



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Preparation In The Time Of Trouble

Sermon Date: April 11,2021

Scripture: 1 Chronicles 22:11-14


In Bishop’s sermon, Preparation in the Time of Trouble, he sets the backdrop of the opening scripture. King David, at this point in his life, is an older man. He is training his son, Solomon, to be king. As he is speaking with his son, he tells him that he will prosper if he keeps the laws of the Lord, is strong, of courage, and does not become dismayed. Finally, in verse 14, he tells his son that he has prepared for the house of the Lord in his time of trouble. David prioritized the work of the Lord and did not let his trouble stop him from honoring God.  

Though David was a great king, he experienced much trouble in his life. He had trouble with enemies as well as within his own family. Yet, through it all, he honored the Lord. Like David, we, too, will experience trouble in our lives. The good news is that trouble doesn’t last always, and God will not leave us or forsake us. He is ever-present and will see us through. When times of trouble come, that is not the time to throw in the towel or turn away from the Lord. Like David, don’t let trouble stop you from honoring God.  

Just as we don’t stop living our lives when trouble comes, so ought we to continue serving and honoring God. Don’t let your sacrifice, passion, commitment, faithfulness, or consistency stop because of trouble. Honor the Lord with your worship, time, sacrifice, offering, and service.


Minister Claudene McCoy

Words From Pastor Lynora Clark:


Hello everyone, June was an exciting month. 


  1. The church doors are open to anyone who wants to come physically, but we will continue to LIVE Stream. If you would rather LIVE Stream, then all we ask is that you comment so we know you are still connected and check in with your team lead now and again. We have relaxed our mask policy, but if you still choose to continue to wear it, that is fine; if you prefer to continue social distancing, that is fine.

  2. In June, we honored our promotees, our seniors graduated, and we honored one of our own with the Bishop’s Kids Scholarship. Congratulations to Raeilnn Reid on being accepted into 20 colleges; her GPA was 4.2 and made Harvard University her final choice. Our motto is: “Education Creates Opportunity” we believe in education here at BOCA, so let us encourage our children to further their education. Also, please remind your child or grandchild to log onto our youth ZOOM Meeting Wednesday 7 pm, Sunday 5 pm; there is ministry especially for them.

  3. We hosted our Food Pantry. We served over 200 families in June. We want to help more families so invite your family & friends. We will distribute food through October 2021, the 4th Thursday of each month, 4-6 pm. 

  4. Bishop Clark hosted a Preaching Enrichment Seminar the last Sunday in June. He taught on “The Art of Preaching.” Bishop Clark is an excellent teacher, trainer, exhorter, and coach. Thank you, Bishop, for your knowledge and time.

  5. Back to School Supply - Giveaway Aug 1 (after worship) register online

  6. There are many ways to give. We have made Text to Give much easier to give to different categories:


(There should be a space between the amount you are giving and the fund you are giving too)


amt tboca = tithes

amt oboca = offering


amt TD = Team David 

amt TS= Team Solomon

amt TE= Team Elijah

amt TJ= Team Judah

amt A = Anniversary


amt BCS = Bishop Clark Show

amt SS = Superseed

amt SR = Special Request 


Now let’s discuss the Anniversary. Last year was 30 years. We couldn’t celebrate as we wanted to. So this year, we are giving you enough time to prepare for our 31st Anniversary Celebration. I want to ask each member of the Body of Christ Assembly to plan on being in the room August 20 - 22. Bishop Clark blesses us with a powerful word each time he gets up to share. I’m asking that you, as members pour back into our man of God. All week we will have a ministry going forth. Here is the lineup:


BOCA 31st Anniversary Celebration info:

Mon. Aug 16 - LIVE Stream (Church is open - 7 pm (Pastor Donnell Clark)


Tues. Aug 17 - LIVE Stream & (Church is open - 7 pm (Pastor Bradley Stokes)


Wed. Aug 18 - LIVE Stream & (Church is open- 7 pm (Overseer Terry Clark)


Thurs. Aug 19 - LIVE Stream & (Church is open- 7 pm ( Pastor Eddie Burge)


Fri. Aug 20 - LIVE Stream & Church is open - 7 pm (Pastor Jevah Richardson)


Sat. Aug 21 - LIVE Stream & Church is open - 7 pm (Pastor Kevin Simmons)


Sun. Aug 22 - LIVE Stream & Church is open - 10am (Bishop Eric K. Clark)


  1. Finally, remember to follow us on Facebook & Subscribe to our YouTube Channel and comment when you are viewing LIVE


Thank you for taking the time to read my writing

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No Might Needed - To God Be The Glory (Pt. 3)

Sermon Date: June 16, 2021

Scripture: Zechariah 4:6-10


Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the LORD of hosts.

(Zech 4:6)

Throughout life, there are times when we devise a plan to get to a desired end goal. While abiding by the plan, sometimes it just seems like we have setback after setback. We try our hardest to accomplish the goal, but for every step forward we make, we are pushed back five steps. I submit to you today that these are the times when we must trust in God. Now, please don't misunderstand what I am communicating. I am not saying that we should only trust in God when our backs are up against the wall. We should trust in the Lord at all times. However, there will be times that the only thing that will bring us through is our trust in Him. 

The Lord may allow us to get in certain situations to show us that we can't do it by ourselves and, moreover, that He doesn't need us; we need Him. This is not a pass to say, 'I don't have to do anything because God has me.' We must still do all of the things that we know to do, whether they work or not. So that when God does step in and begins to work on our behalf, we know that the goal didn't get accomplished by might, nor by power, but only by His spirit. 

Minister Erica Williams

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