may 2021 Edition

Living In The Third Day (part 2): God's Original Intent
Sermon Date: April 28, 2021
Scripture: Jeremiah 29:11
Jeremiah 29:11 Says, “For I know the plans I have for you.”
God wants to bless you and give you the power to get wealth, the things that you lack, God will give them to you. Things will work out for you.
Gods original intent is:
Be an image in the earth
Dominion in the earth
Be fruitful and multiply
We must walk in obedience
God formed man and made woman placed them in a garden, and a river flowed out of the garden and was divided into four parts:
Pison - to spread and grow
Gihon - to labor and grow
Hiddekel - to plant and grow
Euphrates - to harvest and grow
You will be blessed by what flows out of you!
your words
blessing others
Life is not about the journey, but the destination!
Allow God to bless you!
Deaconess Karen Alexander

Pray For Your Pastor
Sermon Date: April 21,2021
Scripture: 1 Timothy 2:13
It’s our job to pray and lift up our leaders in our church and community. We pray for our families and other things that concern us and forget about our leaders.
Prayer is the greatest tool in our walk with God. Prayer is a weapon against the darkness. It’s the way we communicate with God.
Our leaders pray and fast for the people of God that they oversee. We need to pray for protection and healing over our leaders. Just like we pray for our children and other love ones, we can send up the same for our leaders.
There is no special way to pray; just go into your prayer room wherever that might be and talk with God. You can take it all to your Father in heaven.
Remember to pray for your Bishop, your Pastor, and team leaders. We all need prayer. Continue to lift up the name of Jesus and share your testimony with someone.
Deaconess Karima Ward

Preparation In The Time Of Trouble
Sermon Date: April 11,2021
Scripture: 1 Chronicles 22:11-14
In Bishop’s sermon, Preparation in the Time of Trouble, he sets the backdrop of the opening scripture. King David, at this point in his life, is an older man. He is training his son, Solomon, to be king. As he is speaking with his son, he tells him that he will prosper if he keeps the laws of the Lord, is strong, of courage, and does not become dismayed. Finally, in verse 14, he tells his son that he has prepared for the house of the Lord in his time of trouble. David prioritized the work of the Lord and did not let his trouble stop him from honoring God.
Though David was a great king, he experienced much trouble in his life. He had trouble with enemies as well as within his own family. Yet, through it all, he honored the Lord. Like David, we, too, will experience trouble in our lives. The good news is that trouble doesn’t last always, and God will not leave us or forsake us. He is ever-present and will see us through. When times of trouble come, that is not the time to throw in the towel or turn away from the Lord. Like David, don’t let trouble stop you from honoring God.
Just as we don’t stop living our lives when trouble comes, so ought we to continue serving and honoring God. Don’t let your sacrifice, passion, commitment, faithfulness, or consistency stop because of trouble. Honor the Lord with your worship, time, sacrifice, offering, and service.
Minister Claudene McCoy​
Words From Pastor Lynora Clark:
Greetings in JESUS name!
Wow, the year is moving right along, and we are still trusting God!
I like to keep everyone up to date with things.
Our youth ministry is off to a good start...if your child has not participated with the Zoom meetings on Wed & Sunday’s make sure they get connected. As parents, we are responsible for teaching our kids the word of God... scripture says...Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he’s old, he will not depart...Prov. 22:6. Let’s encourage them to get involved...the link was emailed to each parent...also a form was sent to parents to fill out as well. Please take the time to complete the form...our prayer is to see your child on ZOOM!
The Food Pantry is up and running....4th Thursday of each month. The time has changed to 4 -6 pm. All volunteers, it would be greatly appreciated if you, please check your email to fill out the schedule.
Doors of the church are open. You were missed. If you choose to attend in person, we’d love to have you. If you choose to stay home and continue to watch online, that will remain available to you! But, whatever you choose to do, please stay connected, so we all can grow together.
If you are not aware, Bishop Clark is teaching an excellent series entitled “Living in the Third Day,” let us all listen, watch & learn how to live in “The Third Day.”

We also see this principle with Jeroboam in 1Kgs 11:38. The Lord tells young Jeroboam if he would obey Him, that he would be built a sure house as He did for David. You would think that David had some special favor with God, but it seems that the only thing David had going for him was his obedience to the Lord. We even see that when David was disobedient, he lost his favor with God. As it was with David, so it is with everyone else. If we obey God, we will walk in blessing.
In Matthew 17, the disciples questioned Jesus as to why they couldn’t cast out a devil. The Lord’s response to them was if they believed, all things were possible to them. Then He went on to explain to them that prayer and fasting would be needed to move in this kind of spiritual authority. This scenario further confirms that what one man could do, so could another even if that man is Jesus Christ himself.
Finally, in Act 10:34, Peter discovers this powerful revelation as he was lead by the spirit to minister to an Italian man named Cornelius. After Cornelius was empowered with the Holy Ghost, Peter concluded that the Lord didn’t treat any people different from the chosen nation of Israel. This says to us that we don’t ever have to be jealous or envious of what someone has or what they have accomplished because if God has done it in the life of someone else, He will do it in theirs. If they trust, believe, and obey His word. Remember, all things are possible to him that believes. (Mark 9:23)
Bishop Eric K. Clark

Living In The Third Day (Part 1): God Wants You To Be Blessed
Sermon Date: April 25, 2021
Scripture: Psalm 35:27 & Deuteronomy 28:1-13
God wants you to be blessed!
Just in case you didn't get it the first time - GOD WANTS YOU TO BE BLESSED!
As a parent, you want your children to be blessed, happy, and healthy. You want every aspect of their lives to be blessed, and you find joy in blessing them. With that being said, there are still times when you have the wherewithal to bless them but don't. Someone might ask: if you have the means to bless your children, why wouldn't you?
Say you tell your children to clean their room, and then you will take them for ice cream. If they don't clean it, you don't get the ice cream, not because you don't have money for it, but because they didn't do what you told them to. Their disobedience caused you to withhold the blessing from them.
Now, let's say your children come home with their report cards. One of them has straight A's, and the other has C's and D's. They both ask for a new game. Do you give them both what they want? No, the one who was faithful over their studies and got straight A's receives the game, while the other is encouraged to do better and maybe even put on punishment. You don't bless them both just because they are your children. You give them what they deserve.
Finally, you have a 19-year-old child, a 9-year-old child, and a 3-year-old child. On their birthdays, you give the 19-year-old $250, the 9-year-old $20, and the 3-year-old doesn't get any money. Why don't you give them all the same amount? Well, the 3-year-old isn't responsible enough for $20. The 9-year-old can handle $20 but isn't responsible enough for $250. You bless them according to their maturity level.
As parents, you choose when to bless your children and when to withhold the blessing. Not because you don't want to bless them or because you don't have the wherewithal to, but you base it on the child and their actions. This is also true with our heavenly Father. He wants His children to be blessed, happy, and healthy. He wants every aspect of our lives to be blessed, and He finds joy in blessing us. However, like earthly parents, He will withhold the blessing if we are disobedient, unfaithful, or immature. Whether or not we receive the blessing is based on our actions, but that doesn't change His posture. Remember, GOD WANTS YOU TO BE BLESSED!
Minister Erica Williams