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August 2021 Edition

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To God Be The Glory


As we have approached the anniversary month of August, I have been reflecting on the many transitions that I have had to lead the church through. Over the many years, we have changed locations, office staff, musical staff, leaders, and not to mention the many building renovations that we have gone through. I certainly thank God because it has been an exciting adventure serving the Lord through serving people. One of the most impactful changes that have come in my life is going from the very close and personal ministry that I had in the early years to teaching and preaching to the people through a camera lens. I can truly say that I miss the personal interaction and the expressions on the people's faces when they are blessed. Yet, one of the benefits of the internet platform is that I am able to stay focused on my assignment of communicating a specific message. 

With all that said, my one concern is whether or not the people are staying connected. Apart of me want to take attendance as a grade school teacher, so I can be more accountable to the Lord for those He has given me to lead. Another part of me believes that I pastor mature and responsible believers who are diligent and committed to getting the word and are faithful to God on their spiritual journey. 

In conclusion, I want to appreciate those individuals who are doing just that. I want to encourage all of our members to subscribe and follow us on social media and to like and share the posts regularly to reach out to your brothers and sisters to encourage them along the way.


Bishop Eric K. Clark



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People, God's Greatest Commodity​


Sermon Date: July 28, 2021

Scripture: St. John 1:35-48


Just know that we are divine creatures and were crafted and designed by God's own hands. He also gave each of us our very own blueprint. Be inspired and encouraged. Your purpose is found by the people in your life.


God will use people. Therefore, don't limit your circle, be open and sensitive to the Holy Spirit when new people are placed in your life


The enemy will use people, be discerning be aware.


Remember, your connection affects your direction.


Divine connection God orchestrates your life to help you to get involved


Destiny connection your relationship to particular people


Some relationships are for seasons and will run their course of time.


There was a preacher who fell in the ocean, and he couldn't swim. When a boat came by, the captain yelled, "Do you need help, sir?" The preacher calmly said, "No, God will save me." A little later, another boat came by, and a fisherman asked, "Hey, do you need help?" The preacher replied again, "No, God will save me." Eventually, the preacher drowned & went to heaven. The preacher asked God, "Why didn't you save me?" God replied, "I sent you two boats!



God uses people!


Deaconess Karen Alexander

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When Birthing You Is Killing Me


Sermon Date: July 25, 2021

Scripture: Genesis 30:1-7


What are you passionate about? Your children, job, family etc., We all have dreams that we are pursuing or is it all about keeping up with the Wards, McCalls or whoever it might be.

Sometimes our wants are beyond our capabilities. We sacrifice everything for our families, jobs and it's killing us. We have to remember Jesus died for you and me and he made the ultimate sacrifice. I have to learn to do my part and trust God to do his part. 

I don't have to let birthing life kill me. I will be like Paul and say "Not that I was ever in need, for I have learned how to be content with whatever I have." New Living translation Philippians 4:11 or Let me say as the young people would, "For sure you won't kill me".

Keep the faith BOCA and trust God with all your heart.


Deaconess Karima Ward




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Sermon Date: July 21, 2021

Scripture: Mark 11:12-14, 19-24


Faith is an essential ingredient in serving God or coming to know the Lord.


If you have faith in God, and you speak to things, it will happen. Anything you pray and believe God; You will have it.


Believe God and He will reveal his Will and Purpose for your life as well as your needs and wants will be met.


Everyone has the capacity to believe. Faith is established by hearing. It is important that you hear the word of God and that you have an anointed preacher that was sent by God to open up the word of God for you.


Getting and increasing faith through the Word of God, moves you out of natural into a realm of supernatural, God is moved by your faith!


You are healed, delivered, and blessed by your faith


According to your faith, so be it unto you. All things are possible to him that believe.


Challenges in life may get harder and harder but God increases our faith through challenges and your faith continues to grow as you endure.


Faith moves God, Faith pleases God and Faith pushes you into the supernatural.


Hold on to your faith!!  Don’t lose your faith in God!  KEEP THE FAITH!




Deaconess Nicole Jones


Words From Pastor Lynora Clark:


Greetings everyone!


This month is a big month for us it begins many celebrations, starting with our school supply give away Aug 1st, and blessing of our kids as they return to school for 2021 - 2022 school year


then our 31st Church Anniversary August, 16 - 22nd, the church will be open for in person worship each night, you can also watch online that is your choice, but Sunday August 22nd our Bishop is asking all those at are comfortable to attend in person.


BOCA Thanksgiving food bag distribution (registration deadline -Nov 1st) (Food distribution November 18th all pick ups must be by 4:00pm)


Christmas Toy give away (Registration Deadline - Oct 31st). Toy Distribution, Sunday, Dec 19th pickup by 12:30pm


New Years Eve Celebration Dec 31st @ 10pm. 




  1. LIVE Stream -

  2. Thanksgiving Food Registration -

  3. Christmas toy give away -


Stay connected by logging onto our LIVE Stream Sunday’s @ 10am, Wed @ 7pm and M-F 10am Bishop Clark Show. Share & like us on Facebook, subscribe to our YouTube channel. 


Blessings, Happy Celebration Season

Pastor Lynora Clark

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Sermon Date: July 7, 2021

Scripture: Hebrews 4:14-16


For we have not an high priest which cannnot be touched with the feelings of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin.

(Hebrews 4:15)


Jesus Christ knows what we are going through, understands what we are going through and knows how we feel. He is touched by the feels of our infirmity.

(Bishop Eric K Clark)


It's one thing to feel bad for someone who's going through a difficult time, but it's another to put yourself in that person's shoes and try to feel what they are feeling. When you can move past sympathy (feeling sorry for them) and empathize with them, you become more sincere and genuine.  

A lot of times, we judge people and their situations from the outside looking in. We even judge how they got to where they are. However, sometimes it is better to put ourselves in their shoes and react how we would want others to respond to us if it were us - because it could have been us. 
There are so many situations and social issues that deserve empathy rather than just sympathy and judgment: Black Lives Matter, LBGQIAPD, Gender Equality, Classism, and the list goes on. What if it were your child? What if it were your mother? What if it were your father? What if it were your spouse? What if it were you? 
The next time you feel bad about a situation that someone is in, go a little deeper and put yourself in their shoes. If you can't put yourself in their shoes, think W.W.J.D. - (in Matthew 14:14, He was moved with compassion for them and healed their sick.) Then you will understand what they need from you if anything, and act on it.




Minister Erica Williams


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